Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Author David Sheff speaks to GPS on Jan 25 & 25 on "What Happened to my Beautiful Boy"

A Fathers Journey Through His Son's Addiction

David Sheff
From David Sheff:  "Drug abuse is America’s greatest challenge—it impacts every other societal problem you can name. We’ve ignored it because it has been our great shame. We’ve viewed drug use
as a problem of morals, character, and criminality rather than what it is: a health crisis. As a result,
drugs are now killing more people in our nation than any other non-natural cause. A person is dying every 19 minutes. We can change the course we’re on, but only when we reject the status quo and adopt new prevention strategies that address the underlying causes of drug use. When we do, we will make our cities safer, help families stay together, help our children grow up healthier, and save countless lives."

Parent appreciates honest insights re: substance abuse

Glenbard West parent Molly Murphy 
The Glenbard Parent Series presented "What Happened to My Beautiful Boy; A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction" at Glenbard North on Jan. 24.  Glenbard West parent Molly Murphy shared this takeaway: "David Sheff shared a raw and honest program, reminding us that addiction is a medical disease and not a character flaw. We need to get past the stigma of mental illness, depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse and be better informed about their connection. We need to not only share the success of our kids but also their struggles.  Listen more, act early and love our children for who they are and not who we want them to be."